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    Conflict Free Diamond

    Solitaire Conflict Free Diamond Policy.

    In 2003 a Coalition of governments non-governmental organization and the diamond industry established the Kimberly process to control the export and import of rough diamonds to eliminate the trade in conflict diamonds. Today 99% of diamonds in the marketplace are conflict free.

    At Solitaire Jewels we have a zero tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds, we purchase diamonds through suppliers who adhere to and enforce the standards established by the Kimberly process. Solitaire Jewels is committed to ensuring that the highest ethical standards are observed when sourcing our diamonds.

    As a responsible member of the diamond and jewelry industry, we along with our suppliers ensure that our customers receive only the finest goods produced from ethical sources.

    Kimberly Process

    The Kimberly Process certification scheme is the process established in 2003 to prevent “conflict diamonds” from entering the mainstream rough diamond market by United Nation General Assembly resolution. The process was set up to ensure that diamond purchases were not financing violence by rebel movements and their allies to destabilize the legitimate governments. Requirements

    1. Each shipment of rough diamonds crossing an international border should be-

    • Transported in a tamper resistant container.
    • Accompanied by a government validated Kimberly process certificate.
    2. Each certificate must be resistant to forgery uniquely numbered and describe the shipment contents.

    3. The shipments should only be exported to other KPCS (Kimberly Process Certification Scheme) participant countries.

    System of Warranties

    The world diamond council created a system of warranties according to which all buyers and sellers of both rough and polished diamonds must make the following affirmative statements on all invoices. “The diamonds herein invoiced have been purchase from legitimate sources not involved in funding Conflict and in compliance with United Nations resolutions. The seller hereby guarantees that these diamonds are conflict free based on personal knowledge and/or written guarantees provided by the supplier of these diamonds”.

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